Mal’s Family

This site has links to The Christmas Show, his book about Ireland, classic programs and memorials to his life. From time to time we may even blog about what the family is doing now.

Mal’s House in Ireland

Once upon a time Mal bought a house in Ireland. He loved the house and the Irish, so he wrote a book about it. You can find his book Now, Why Is It Ye’re Comin ta Ireland? online here. As it happened, Liscrona became one of the three great loves of his life.

St Patricks Day is almost here. The Clancys and Tommy dropped in one St Patricks Day.

11 comments on “Mal’s Family

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  2. Amy Sonnenberg

    Rick and family,

    Having my annual listen to the Christmas show. I always listen for the child who says Buon Natale! Thank you for sharing this meaningful tradition.

  3. Bill Noonan

    I know this is off topic but I thought this might be a good place to start. When I was in college in the 70’s and came home to Woodstock on the weekends, Mal Bellairs regularly did a short dramatic reading during Mass concerning the stages of life including a time for reflection and preparation. I was hoping someone would know the reading and how I could obtain a copy printed or some other medium. Thank you so much.

  4. Susan Gazzola

    Loved listening to his Chistma show. It was a family tradition and I miss it terribly.

  5. Jim

    This is an absolute jewel of a site. Thank you so much for assembling its content and making it available on the Internet.

    One of my warmest Christmas memories of the late sixties is listening to Mal’s annual Christmas show, first on WBBM and then from WIVS Crystal Lake (when I could receive it down all the way down in Des Plaines) later into the early 70s.

    I’m especially fond of the Nutcracker Suite narrated by Peter Ustinov. It was a delight to hear it again after more than 40 years!

    Other “special connection” I have with Mal per say is that one of my uncles was a board engineer at WBBM radio during the 50s into the 70s who worked with Mal often and spoke of him highly. He was most likely the person who initially turned me on to Mal’s annual Christmas show.

    Thanks again … and Merry Christmas!


  6. Effi

    Dearest Mel Bellairs!

    My name is Effi. I am from Germany. My parents bought Liscrona House from you in the 90s when I was a child and we spent almost 20 years there every summer and spring and often even winter. We loved our “Grey Old Lady” so much and for my sisters and myself it was our home. Unfortunately my parents had to sell it. I am very sad about this.
    I remember we used to have a story about Liscrona. The old story about life there 100 years ago.
    Someone took it and nobody knows where the story is. I would love to have the paper again. I think, you gave it to my parents back then?
    I was wondering, if you still have the story and you could send it to me? I would be so happy!!!

    I hope you and your family are well!!?

    Best wishes, Effi

    PS: Please do not get confused by my name – I got married! 😉

  7. Wayne Zawila

    Would love to see you produce the Christmas show on a set of CD’s

    Sunday before Xmas was always spent with Mal. I have several shows on open reel tape made over the air

    1. kbellairs

      Sorry it took so long to get this comment on the web site. It really would be great if we had a way to distribute the Christmas Show. For now the best we can do is to let Mal’s fans listen online.

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