Shep and Chazz do Guelph

Chazz & Shep at Home
Chazz & Shep at Home
Here we are in our backyard getting ready to "do Guelph". You can see by the expression on Chazz's face that he's not sure this is a good idea.
Exhibition Park
Exhibition Park
Here we are in Exhibition Park. Dad takes us walking here sometimes and we get to meet other dogs and their people.
Guelph City Hall
Guelph City Hall
Here we are in front of Guelph City Hall. If we ran the City there would be a lot more leash-free dog parks and we would declare every day "Dog Appreciation Day".
Guelph Farmers' Market
Guelph Farmers' Market
Here we are in front of the Guelph Farmers' Market. Mon and Dad usually go there every Saturday, and sometimes they take us. but dogs aren't allowed in the Farmers' market, so we think there's some sort of discrimination going on.
Carden Street Cafe
Carden Street Cafe
Here we are in front of the Carden Street Cafe. They have lots of vegetarian food here, so it's really not our bag. But Mom and dad insisted we stand in front of it for a picture.
Church of Our Lady
Church of Our Lady
Here we are in front of the Church of Our Lady, the most famous landmark in Guelph. Even though we're not religious, we think it's a pretty cool building for a place where dogs are not allowed.
2 Wyndham
2 Wyndham
Here we are in front of the building where Dad works. We wish he could just stay home and play with us all the time.
McCrae House
McCrae House
Here we are in front of the McCrae house. It's the house where the soldier who wrote about poppies and Flanders' fields grew up. It's only a few blocks from our house, so we walk by here a lot.
Butterfly Garden
Butterfly Garden
Here we are in front of the butterfly garden in Royal City Park. It's the park closest to our house. Mom always wants to stop and look at the wildflower garden when we walk by it.
Gow's Bridge
Gow's Bridge
Here we are in front of Gow's Bridge, which crosses the Speed River near our house. It is 750 years old (dog years).
Here I am wading in the Speed River. When we go on walks I love to swim in the river, especially if it's hot.
Chazz wades sometimes, too. I don't think he knows how to swim though. We both like Guelph a lot, don't you?